My life
I was born in yanjin, a small county in He’nan province, China, on November 22, 1978. I was my parent’s second child. I have one big sister, one little brother and one little sister. My father’s first job was a teacher. Two year late, he quitted the job and became a businessman. He must was a good teacher, because many years after, when I went to school, some people talk to me about my father with respect.
There was a lot of fun in my primary school life. I met so many people and got good friends. More importantly, I read many fairy tale books, such as “1001 nights”, “Aesop’s Fables”, “The Brothers Grimm: The Complete Fairy Tales”, “karlsson-on-the-roof”, “Shu’ke and Bei’ta”, “Pipi’lu and Lu’xixi”, etc. Many years later, I still can remember the propeller on Karlsson’s back. All of those books gave me good memory. That’s one of the happiest time in my life. Still in junior high school, my favor thing is reading, too.
I went to high school on September 1, 1993. I met a very nice boy there, but I never thought that fourteen years later he married me.
After graduated from college, I got a work in a college in southern China. I met many friends in that college, and keep contact with some of them even now. Two years later, I quitted because the thought that I need more work experiences in different work field to enhance my ability as a teacher. I love students, love my job as a teacher and I was a good teacher. Went to college to be a teacher at right time always is my plan, even I quitted from the job in the college. The plan never changed in my heart.
In fact, I made a good choice. Because not so long after I left the college and went to another city, I met a excellent group, which gave me a chance to learn something I wanted so much. In fact, It’s not only knowledge that I never know before but also a brand-new culture named “harmony creating culture”. Most of people in this group are girls, we are much closer even than good friends. In fact, we more like sisters in a big family than friends or anything else. That’s the happiest time in my life. During that time, my boyfriend, who was my high school classmate, was studying in USA. Fortunately, we can communicate by internet, or phone. You know, things changed. Sice I came to USA several months ago, it is time for my sisters and I communicate with each other by email.
As for my boyfriend, he came back China twice, the last time, we got married. Soon after that, I left my sisters and went to Detroit to live with my husband together.
Now, I have been living here for four months. I met some challenges in here. The first one is language. Since I stopped learning English six years, and never used it in my work and life. English is totally new to me. When I came to Detroit, I couldn’t understand a simple sentence. Like “Do you want something to drink?” in restaurant or “How are you” some guy talked to me in street or “Thank you!” when I helped somebody opened door or “Have a nice day!” in Wal-mart. Neither I can get it nor I have any idea to reply. I keep working hard in learning English these days and I believe that I will success. Now, my hard work made some differences, I can read and write, but not so good at speaking and listening.
The second challenge is find a good way to communicate with more and more people about “harmony creating culture”. I need to keep trying about this.
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